Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris - Troparion: Christ Is Risen from the Dead Share: Download MP3 Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris more songsView all Nativity Kondakion: The Virgin Today Gives Birth Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 Great Doxology: Glory Be to God On High Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 Hirmos: Chants 1 and 9 Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 Prokimen: Out of the Womb Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 From My Youth Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 Znamenny Chant: We Praise You Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 Praise Ye the Name Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 God Is the Lord Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 Glory Be to God On High Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 Lord, Now Let This Thy Servant Depart Choir of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Paris 01:13 Similar ArtistsThe Russian Orthodox Cathedral Choir of Paris St. John's Orthodox Choir The St. John's Russian Orthodox Choir St. Panteleimon Choir The Orthodox Church Music Ensemble Father Amvrosy St. John's Russian Orthodox Church Choir Passaic, N. J. Russian Orthodoxe Songs And Choirs (Chants Et Choeurs Russes Orthodoxes) Saint Petersbourg Vocal Ensemble George Margitich