Herbert Deutsch - Jazz Images, A Worksong and Blues Share: Download MP3 Herbert Deutsch more songsView all Abyss Herbert Deutsch 01:47 Sleight of Hand (Mr. Magic Man) Herbert Deutsch 01:47 Prologue to King Richard III Herbert Deutsch 01:47 A Little Night Music, The Ithaca Journal, August 6, 1965 Herbert Deutsch 01:47 Jazz Images, A Worksong and Blues Herbert Deutsch 01:47 A Christmas Carol Herbert Deutsch 01:47 Similar ArtistsAmmer - Einheit - Haage (MAEKO) Bästard Drum Circle Vuneny Jared Louche & The Aliens Delphine Mantoulet Kid & Khan Scruff Philip Jeck, Otomo Yoshihide and Martin Tétreault