Hit the Swim - Cold in the Warmest Places Share: Download MP3 Hit the Swim more songsView all Start Again, Salty Hit the Swim 01:56 The Wrong Side of Everything Hit the Swim 01:56 Noiseland Hit the Swim 01:56 Congratulations, Who Cares? Hit the Swim 01:56 Imaginary Hit the Swim 01:56 Midnight in Heartbreak City Hit the Swim 01:56 Somebody Like Me Hit the Swim 01:56 False Echoes Hit the Swim 01:56 Lover/Shadow Hit the Swim 01:56 Orange Thursday Hit the Swim 01:56 Similar ArtistsKokaluka Emdi Mihiruk S Mya Gomez Chester Banda de la Cruz Roja de Sevilla Dorukhan Maghar Ali Iman Fandi Ebitaro