Charles Caldwell - Down the Road of Love Share: Download MP3 Charles Caldwell more songsView all Angels (feat. Gym E. Dean & Charles Caldwell) Charles Caldwell 01:00 Remember Me Charles Caldwell 01:00 Goin' Though the Woods Charles Caldwell 01:00 Same Man Charles Caldwell 01:00 Down the Road of Love Charles Caldwell 01:00 Movin' out Movin' In Charles Caldwell 01:00 Alone for a Long Time Charles Caldwell 01:00 I'll Do Anything You Say Charles Caldwell 01:00 I Got Something to Tell You Charles Caldwell 01:00 I Know I Done You Wrong Charles Caldwell 01:00 Similar ArtistsJ.W. Warren Robert Belfour Odell Harris T-Model Ford Cedell Davis Asie Payton Ranie Burnette Joe Callicott Kenny Brown Calvin Jackson & Mississippi Bound