Niko Valkeapää - Aigi lea boahtan - The Time Has Come Share: Download MP3 Niko Valkeapää more songsView all Vassanaigi ja dat otnas - Past and present Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Suoldni - The morning dew Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Fanasmatki - The boat ride Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Guovza - The bear Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Rovvi eallimii - A bridge to life Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Humahallit - Persuaders Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Biekkas libaidit - Carried by the wind Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Iditguovssu - Aurora Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Gerpmodan ijat - Darkening nights Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Biekkas - In the wind Niko Valkeapää 01:20 Similar ArtistsJohan Anders Bær Inga Juuso Nils-Aslak Valkeapää Felgen Orkester Bárut - Inga Juuso Ára Sancuari Slincraze Adjagas Katarina Barruk