Gandalf - Citadel, Pt. 1 Share: Download MP3 Gandalf more songsView all Mystic Voyage Gandalf 01:40 The Loveliest Flower in My Garden Gandalf 01:40 Love is the Answer Gandalf 01:40 Sacred River Gandalf 01:40 And Music Filled the Spheres Gandalf 01:40 Where Wishes Come True Gandalf 01:40 The Tree of Life Gandalf 01:40 All Is One Gandalf 01:40 The Fragrance of Eden Gandalf 01:40 Paint You a Song Gandalf 01:40 Similar ArtistsGandalf 2002 Diane Arkenstone John Adorney Deuter David Wahler Bernward Koch Mars Lasar Nadama Hilary Stagg