Gitit Shoval - Everything Will Be Alright Share: Download MP3 Gitit Shoval more songsView all אל תתעייף Gitit Shoval 01:19 Everything Will Be Alright Gitit Shoval 01:19 אני מאמין Gitit Shoval 01:19 אהבת עולם (feat. Ron Druyan) Gitit Shoval 01:19 אחת שאלתי (feat. Tutti Druyan) Gitit Shoval 01:19 אדוני שפתי תפתח (feat. Tutti Druyan) Gitit Shoval 01:19 שים שלום Gitit Shoval 01:19 מי האיש (feat. Ron Druyan & Tutti Druyan) Gitit Shoval 01:19 הדודאים (feat. Ron Druyan & Tutti Druyan) Gitit Shoval 01:19 שמע קולינו (feat. Ron Druyan & Tutti Druyan) Gitit Shoval 01:19 Similar ArtistsLiquid Mind Shoshana Damari Marc & The Plattitudes Deuter Still Scapes Houssem Bejaoui Peter Kater Diane Arkenstone Participants of 'My Jerusalem' Doc Heide