Citizen - Resolution Share: Download MP3 Citizen more songsView all Mal au cœur Citizen 01:20 Party Don Start Citizen 01:20 Shwele Citizen 01:20 Icala Citizen 01:20 Ontanga Citizen 01:20 Izulu Citizen 01:20 BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME Citizen 01:20 Omw! Citizen 01:20 Mode d'emploi (feat. CITIZen, EZA & Noeud'Art) Citizen 01:20 Bar (feat. CITIZen, EZA & Noeud'Art) Citizen 01:20 Similar ArtistsAtlantic Wave The Hose DJ Stardust K-Traxx Droid SPEEDWAVE DJ Gius Psy Man The KGB's Pacific Link