Belphegor - Embracing a Star Share: Download MP3 Belphegor more songsView all Glorifizierung des Teufels Belphegor 01:59 Damnation - Höllensturz Belphegor 01:59 The Devils Belphegor 01:59 Blood Magick Necromance Belphegor 01:59 Totentanz - Dance Macabre Belphegor 01:59 Possessed Burning Eyes Belphegor 01:59 Impaled Upon the Tongue of Sathan Belphegor 01:59 Angeli Mortis de Profundis Belphegor 01:59 Discipline Through Punishment Belphegor 01:59 Gasmask Terror Belphegor 01:59 Similar ArtistsMarduk Dark Funeral Gorgoroth Watain Behemoth 1349 Nile Behexen Urgehal Tsjuder