Faust - I Am... an Artist Share: Download MP3 Faust more songsView all Kratie Faust 01:33 Die 5. Revolution Faust 01:33 Kriminelle Kur Faust 01:33 Sunny Night Faust 01:33 Künstliche Intelligenz Faust 01:33 For Schlaghammer Faust 01:33 Sunny Night (Single Version) Faust 01:33 We Are the Hollow Men Faust 01:33 Woke up Outside the Dust Bin Faust 01:33 Transformationsrolle Faust 01:33 Similar ArtistsNeu! Amon Düül II Can Cluster Harmonia Pere Ubu Throbbing Gristle The Residents Popol Vuh Henry Cow