Ken Soltys - Call to His Throne Room Share: Download MP3 Ken Soltys more songsView all Flowing Healing Waters Ken Soltys 01:05 Dominion Ken Soltys 01:05 Revelation 4:1 (Shining in Eternity) [Live] Ken Soltys 01:05 Reclaiming the Land (Live) Ken Soltys 01:05 Open Now Our Eyes to Truly See (Live) Ken Soltys 01:05 My Light in the Darkness (Live) Ken Soltys 01:05 Guiding Light (Live) Ken Soltys 01:05 Glory Rising (Live) Ken Soltys 01:05 Elijah's Fire (Live) Ken Soltys 01:05 New Every Morning Ken Soltys 01:05 Similar ArtistsRobert Larsen Hoghton Hughes Michael Crawford David Bauer David Firman and His Orchestra CEF of Ireland Stephen Stedman Integrity Musicians Starfish 100 Dave Rea