The London Fox Players - Creator of the Stars of Night Share: Download MP3 The London Fox Players more songsView all O God, Our Help In Ages Past The London Fox Players 01:20 Eat This Bread The London Fox Players 01:20 Wait For the Lord (Contemplare tu vida) The London Fox Players 01:20 O Lord, Hear My Prayer The London Fox Players 01:20 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling The London Fox Players 01:20 In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful (El Senyor) The London Fox Players 01:20 In God Alone (Mon ame se repose) The London Fox Players 01:20 Hosanna In the Highest The London Fox Players 01:20 O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go The London Fox Players 01:20 Carol of the Bells (Instrumental) The London Fox Players 01:20 Similar ArtistsThe London Fox Quartet Thoresby RJB Band Eric Wyse The London Fox Orchestra The London Fox Players, Tim Mather M. Parish David Shelley Ensemble The Eden Symphony Orchestra Anthony Lamarchina Jenny Crook