Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid - Brighter Days Are Calling Share: Download MP3 Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid more songsView all Brass Bounce Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 Cadence Clash Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 Horn Haven Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 I’m A Diamond Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 I’m A Master Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 Rising To The Top Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 Champions Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 Let's Cheer To The New Year Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 Let's Toast Let's Celebrate Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 Island Vibe Christopher James Dececio & Andrea Christina Obeid 01:12 Similar ArtistsVon Hemingway Edward Andrew Charles Swinburne Natasha Harber Daniel Burrows Paul Joseph Smith Richard Pilkington Nathalie Kraemer Vance Westlake Sacha James Collisson Her-Ck & Tomy R