Swans - Unforming Share: Download MP3 Swans more songsView all Screen Shot Swans 01:41 Lunacy Swans 01:41 A Little God In My Hands Swans 01:41 Bring the Sun / Toussaint l'ouverture Swans 01:41 I Am a Tower Swans 01:41 I Was a Prisoner in Your Skull Swans 01:41 Red Velvet Corridor Swans 01:41 The Memorious Swans 01:41 The Beggar Lover (Three) Swans 01:41 Why Can't I Have What I Want Any Time That I Want? Swans 01:41 Similar ArtistsAngels of Light Godspeed You! Black Emperor Daughters Xiu Xiu Death Grips Slint black midi The Microphones The Body Lovers / The Body Haters Michael Gira