Jaz Klash - Intrigue (Down For Whatever) Share: Download MP3 Jaz Klash more songsView all Thru the Haze (Spearhead Blak Militia Remix Redub) Jaz Klash 01:27 Thru the Haze (The Angel Remix) Jaz Klash 01:27 Thru the Haze (More Rockers Remix) Jaz Klash 01:27 Intrigue (Down for Whatever) [Flynn & Flora Remix] Jaz Klash 01:27 Thru the Haze (SUV Remix) Jaz Klash 01:27 BQE (DJ Die Remix) Jaz Klash 01:27 One Fine Day Jaz Klash 01:27 The Party Next Door Jaz Klash 01:27 The Gift Jaz Klash 01:27 The Finale Jaz Klash 01:27 Similar ArtistsMore Rockers Wraparound Sounds Gang Related Dj Lynx Blue Peter D Smith & Mighty Wilks Receiver Flynn