Luka Kuplowsky - A Kiss Share: Download MP3 Luka Kuplowsky more songsView all Fugitive Song (A response to Rainer Maria Rilke) Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 Wasting (Li Bai) Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 Elixir of Immortality, Pt. 2 Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 You Made Me Sing! (A response to Jalāl al-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī) Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 What Luck! (Ryōkan Taigu) Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 If Birds are Silent (W.W.E Ross) Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 Mid Summer (Ryōkan Taigu) Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 The Frog that Wants to Make Itself as Big as an Ox (Jean De La Fontaine) Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 Ars Poetica 2 (Bohdan Ihor Antonych) Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 Thoughts While Travelling Luka Kuplowsky 01:27 Similar ArtistsBernice Dorothea Paas Ryan Driver Andre Ethier Jon McKiel Yves Jarvis Jennifer Castle Mauno Ivy Falls Jennah Barry