Todd Goldfinger - Time For a Change Share: Download MP3 Todd Goldfinger more songsView all rockin' Todd Goldfinger 01:06 Wild Lights In The Sky Todd Goldfinger 01:06 the endless road Todd Goldfinger 01:06 a rough day at sea Todd Goldfinger 01:06 epoch jam Todd Goldfinger 01:06 another time Todd Goldfinger 01:06 starting screen Todd Goldfinger 01:06 the way of the wind Todd Goldfinger 01:06 there's a light Todd Goldfinger 01:06 the outer world Todd Goldfinger 01:06 Similar ArtistsJohn Henderson Bleachy Warhol Victoria Hansen Chihuahua Boy Tedcirc Bargend Jamie Hamilton Al Leeder Julian Støne Major Cappone