manabian - Walking Is Profitable Share: Download MP3 manabian more songsView all Parallel Universe manabian 01:17 The Sacred Sunrise of Yamato manabian 01:17 Lucky for Mt. Mikasa manabian 01:17 The Battle for Love manabian 01:17 Japan's Largest Circular Burial Mound manabian 01:17 Behind the Scenes World manabian 01:17 A Daughter On the Edge of Asia manabian 01:17 You're Himiko. manabian 01:17 Narara Nara manabian 01:17 Princess of Yamabe ~I'm Just Forever~ manabian 01:17 Similar ArtistsNupacific Bate Music Tukuyo(CV.Yu Serizawa) Otome Sakuranamiki (CV: Ikumi Hasegawa) Бронислава Захарова Павел Аксенов Ferruccio Bartoletti David Nuttall Heaven's Mountain Band Colorful Pastrale