Otr Zippyy - Run up That Bag (feat. Almighty.Boy) Share: Download MP3 Otr Zippyy more songsView all Send Shit Up (feat. Lul Sneak) Otr Zippyy 01:01 Bumpin Dem Thumpas Otr Zippyy 01:01 To Far Otr Zippyy 01:01 Iron on em Otr Zippyy 01:01 On Em Otr Zippyy 01:01 Ransom Otr Zippyy 01:01 XanZip Otr Zippyy 01:01 TakinDatRisk/FreeBG Otr Zippyy 01:01 Double Tap Otr Zippyy 01:01 FTS Otr Zippyy 01:01 Similar ArtistsPharaohdagod Von Queen Kee NovasNotion Captain Dino Osbbthelabel Tune GG MikeOji BBY NINE Duff T