WLP Choir - Humbly We Adore Thee Share: Download MP3 WLP Choir more songsView all Peace Is Flowing Like a River WLP Choir 01:20 Go Now in Peace WLP Choir 01:20 This Is Our Faith WLP Choir 01:20 Glory To God WLP Choir 01:20 Magnificat WLP Choir 01:20 Keep In Mind WLP Choir 01:20 Crown Him With Many Crowns WLP Choir 01:20 Sing With All the Saints In Glory WLP Choir 01:20 On the Wings of Change WLP Choir 01:20 For All the Saints WLP Choir 01:20 Similar ArtistsGIA Singers Bob Hurd Marty Haugen St. Louis Jesuits OCP Session Choir Bernadette Farrell Michael Joncas Carey Landry Catholic Hymns Daniel L Schutte