Hyrule Ensemble - Diana Battle Second Half (From "the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess") Share: Download MP3 Hyrule Ensemble more songsView all Dark Hyrule Castle (From "the Legend of Zelda: Minish cap") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Korok Forest (From "the Legend of Zelda: breath of the wild") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Boss Clear Fanface (From "the Legend of Zelda: wind waker") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Searching the Lost Woods (From "the Legend of Zelda: age of calamity") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Song of Healing (From "the Legend of Zelda: Majoras mask") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Woodland (From "the Legend of Zelda: Tri force heroes") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Great Temple (From "the Legend of Zelda: The adventure of Link") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Final Battle (From "the Legend of Zelda: twilight Princess") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Coursed Overworld (From "the Legend of Zelda: Spirit tracks") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Diana Battle Second Half (From "the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess") Hyrule Ensemble 01:41 Similar ArtistsNostalgia Dreams The Deku Trio Modern Day Troubadour Kokiri Keys Lucas Cooper Alessio Dicorato Lira Moreau Mario Piano Chocobo Keys Piano of Time