Rich Shapero - Child of Mine (feat. Orenda Fink) Share: Download MP3 Rich Shapero more songsView all Wake and Face the Light (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 Who Can Make an End for Tom (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 The One on My Knee (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 The Rice and Cotton March (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 Let's Track Him Down (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 Stay with Me (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 Some Simple Solace (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 If We Reach Her in Time (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 A Naked Hand (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 Somebody Invited Them All (feat. Hollie Fullbrook) Rich Shapero 01:20 Similar ArtistsElsiane Alone Architect Sepiamusic Orenda Fink Cinephile CLANN Puracane Halou Saltillo Johnny Hollow