Praise and Harmony - Come Unto Me Share: Download MP3 Praise and Harmony more songsView all A Wonderful Savior Praise and Harmony 01:40 Every Praise (feat. Keith Lancaster) Praise and Harmony 01:40 Highly Exalted Praise and Harmony 01:40 Control (Somehow You Want Me) Praise and Harmony 01:40 Goodness of God Praise and Harmony 01:40 Living Hope Praise and Harmony 01:40 Generous King Praise and Harmony 01:40 How Great Is Our God Praise and Harmony 01:40 Oh My Soul Praise and Harmony 01:40 Lord, Take Control Praise and Harmony 01:40 Similar ArtistsKeith Lancaster Keith Lancaster and the Acappella Company Keith Lancaster & The Acappella Company Hallal Music Hallal Singers Narrow Way Voice of Praise Garment of Praise Grateful Voices Acapeldridge