George Jessel - Over There Share: Download MP3 George Jessel more songsView all Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie George Jessel 01:59 My Mother's Eyes George Jessel 01:59 Over There George Jessel 01:59 Mary's A Grand Old Name George Jessel 01:59 Give My Regards To Broadway George Jessel 01:59 Yankee Doodle Boy George Jessel 01:59 Now's The Time To Fall In Love George Jessel 01:59 Making Whoopee George Jessel 01:59 Margie George Jessel 01:59 If You Knew Susie George Jessel 01:59 Similar ArtistsCantor Josef Rosenblatt The Bagelman Sisters Milton Berle Aaron Lebedeff Molly Picon George Burns Josef Schmidt Johnny Carson Shelley Berman The Israeli Concert Band