Winston Churchill - Sir Winston Churchill - Iron Cutain 1946 Share: Download MP3 Winston Churchill more songsView all U.S. Enters the War (12/10/1941) Winston Churchill 01:53 Recollections: The King’s Invitation (May 8th, 1940) Winston Churchill 01:53 Recollections: The Lurking Dangers, The Loaded Pause (1937) Winston Churchill 01:53 We Need a United States of Europe (Address in Zurich) [September 1946] Winston Churchill 01:53 Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 23rd, 1944) Winston Churchill 01:53 Address To a Joint Session of the U.S Congress (May 19th, 1943) Winston Churchill 01:53 How Are We Going To Win This War? (Nov. 7th, 1941) Winston Churchill 01:53 Never Give In (Oct. 29th, 1941) Winston Churchill 01:53 We Are Still Masters of Our Fate (Sept. 9th, 1941) Winston Churchill 01:53 For More Than a Year… (July 29th, 1941) Winston Churchill 01:53 Similar ArtistsFranklin D. Roosevelt John F. Kennedy Neville Chamberlain Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower Richard Nixon News Reel Robin Duff Ronald Reagan Saland Publishing