Pat McKenna - In My Father's House Share: Download MP3 Pat McKenna more songsView all Antigonish (feat. Pat Mckenna) Pat McKenna 01:00 Shakin' the Rust (feat. Pat Mckenna) Pat McKenna 01:00 Wheels of Life Pat McKenna 01:00 Don't Neglect the Rose Pat McKenna 01:00 Where the Roses Never Fade Pat McKenna 01:00 Walk With me, Talk To Me Pat McKenna 01:00 My Home By the River Pat McKenna 01:00 Memories of Brian Pat McKenna 01:00 Hands of Time Pat McKenna 01:00 Hills of Home Pat McKenna 01:00 Similar ArtistsPaddy O'Brien Gene Stuart Noel Cassidy P.J. Murrihy Frank Nelson Eddie Gallagher John Glenn Johnny Loughrey Brian Coll Barry Doyle