Dana - There Is a Redeemer Share: Download MP3 Dana more songsView all The Glorious Mysteries Dana 01:54 The Sorrowful Mysteries Dana 01:54 The Joyful Mysteries Dana 01:54 The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy (feat. Damien Scallon) Dana 01:54 All Kinds of Everything Dana 01:54 Sixth Station: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus (feat. Fr. Kevin Scallon) Dana 01:54 The Luminous Mysteries Dana 01:54 It's Gonna Be a Cold, Cold Christmas Dana 01:54 Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time (feat. Fr. Kevin Scallon) Dana 01:54 Tenth Station: Jesus Is Stripped of His Garments (feat. Fr. Kevin Scallon) Dana 01:54 Similar ArtistsJohn McClernon Dana Why Donna Cori Gibson Mark Mallett The Rosary George Bukowinski Burnett and Pentek Michael Poirier Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel & Simonetta Our Lady of Medjugorje