The Behdad - Angel Share: Download MP3 The Behdad more songsView all Fosh (feat. Armyn) The Behdad 01:10 DRM (feat. UwantU) The Behdad 01:10 Alone (feat. Benam) The Behdad 01:10 Kite The Behdad 01:10 7 The Behdad 01:10 Mpl The Behdad 01:10 Kine The Behdad 01:10 Angel The Behdad 01:10 SARGARDOON (feat. The behdad) The Behdad 01:10 Nemesis The Behdad 01:10 Similar Artistsプロデューサー(CV:間島淳司) H.Y.R イヌたん(CV:本多真梨子) 土岐紅巴(CV:東城咲耶子) Crepus(CV. Yui Makino) Kagami Totori(CV:Chisaka Misawa) Moriya kyoka はるかさん 柴田勝家(CV:生天目仁美) (CV: Akane Fujita)