SHOUT SOFTLY - Conundrum Share: Download MP3 SHOUT SOFTLY more songsView all Call You (feat. Kate McGill) [Chill Mix] SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Pulse SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Clocks SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Lickety Split SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Running Out of Time (feat. Ragged) SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Erewhon Mom (feat. Sebastian) SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Call You (feat. Kate McGill) SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 For The Love Of SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Intro SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Lend A Hand (feat. Luke Coulten) SHOUT SOFTLY 01:05 Similar ArtistsGabriel Thomas 3LAU Oishi Masayoshi Izumi Tokutomi(cv.Shion Wakayama) LISA UNIQUE Nck Xoblaim Riccardo Maria カイ(CV.千葉翔也) OxT