Baron Bane - And the Flare Will Spark Share: Download MP3 Baron Bane more songsView all Fire Play (Leonard Hummer Remix) Baron Bane 01:40 This Beautiful Aching (LEHNBERG Remix) Baron Bane 01:40 Fire Play (Tony Senghore Remix) Baron Bane 01:40 Fire Play (Tony Senghore Remix) [Radio edit] [Five year anniversary edition] Baron Bane 01:40 Fire Play (Slim Vic Remix) Baron Bane 01:40 The End Baron Bane 01:40 All That Was Done Baron Bane 01:40 In Light Baron Bane 01:40 This Beautiful Aching Baron Bane 01:40 The Storm Baron Bane 01:40 Similar ArtistsHelmets Sarah Linhares Loostripper O'Spada Ishige Akira K.A.N.T.A THE WAYBARK The_AIU Feather and Down Finn Silver