V.K - Afterglow (feat. majiko & NAOTO) Share: Download MP3 V.K more songsView all 改變 (鋼琴演奏版) V.K 01:27 What's the Temperature of Love V.K 01:27 Pretending Not to Care V.K 01:27 Falling in Love at 5:20 V.K 01:27 Occupying a Corner of Your Heart V.K 01:27 Unknown V.K 01:27 Level Up Your Love Power V.K 01:27 Just the Two of Us V.K 01:27 Love Foreshadowing V.K 01:27 Losing Control V.K 01:27 Similar ArtistsRabpit MILI Ice Bird Studio Tzu Chien Wen Sta M2 U Edmund Fu M2U Alex Vourtsanis Shinichi Kobayashi