JSluice: There's Gold In Them Thar Files by Tomnomnom Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Passive-ish Recon Techniques by Tom Hudson BSides Leeds Tool Talk: jsluice Bishop Fox Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business Live with Restream, December 02 Sanctum Bug Bounties With Bash - VirSecCon2020 Talk TomNomNom The Owl House Season 3 | FULL SEASON! | 2 Hour Compilation | @disneychannel Disney Channel How to Speak MIT OpenCourseWare The Bug Hunter's Methodology - Application Analysis | Jason Haddix HackerOne Developing Labs for Teaching Kids Webdev by Matt Cengia Matt Cengia Google I/O 2012 - Go Concurrency Patterns Google for Developers “Recon Like an Adversary” by Jason Haddix at IWCON2023 Infosec Studio by IW #NahamCon2023: Bugs Exposed: Unveiling Effective Strategies for Bug Bounty Programs | @ArchAngelDDay NahamSec Hacker101 - JavaScript for Hackers (Created by @STOKfredrik) HackerOne Attacking Secondary Contexts in Web Applications - Sam Curry Kernelcon Ansible 101 - Episode 1 - Introduction to Ansible Jeff Geerling How to build a REST API with Node js & Express Programming with Mosh Who, What, Where, When, Wordlist by @TomNomNom #NahamCon2020 NahamSec #NahamCon2022 - Jason Haddix (@jhaddix): The Bug Hunter’s Methodology: Application Analysis v1 NahamSec Attacking organizations with big scopes: from zero to hero Positive Events Eng