Riot buffed Fizz and now you One-Shot by pressing EWQ with Lich Bane Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Caitlyn scaling is so insane you can nearly one-shot anyone late game PekinWoof Aurora is one of the MOST OP MIDS while being easy to play PekinWoof Fizz is broken with the new items. Stormsurge + Lichbane lets you One-Shot any squishy! PekinWoof TRASH TALKING AKALI GETS TAUGHT A LESSON! (SHE WAS MALDING ALL GAME) TC Zwag League - Iron to Diamond Challenge Part 29; Winter Split: Iron Arc Wvlfe I beat this Zed OTP so hard his team started raging at him | Challenger Zoe PekinWoof No one expects Teemo bot lane. And that's why it works. PekinWoof This guy didn't respect my full AP Nautilus mid... so I taught him a valuable lesson TC Zwag Vex is the strongest mid in the game right now. 55% Winrate. Easily 15+ Kills every game. PekinWoof This is how I play HARD GAMES as ZOE in HIGH ELO PekinWoof No one thinks Janna Mid does damage, then I solo kill them PekinWoof The Most Insane Fizz Carry I have ever done (16 Kills in High Elo) PekinWoof League of Legends but I play the BEST long range champions (SNIPER MOVIE!) Zwagmo I can't believe that Lillia Mid can solo kill this easily PekinWoof Heimerdinger as an ASSASSIN is SO STRONG (And hilarious) PekinWoof FIZZ IN SEASON 14... *CHINESE OTP IS ABUSING NEW ITEMS!* Midbeast I'm feeling UNSTOPPABLE with Urgot! | Main Account Ranked Climb back to Masters! | Seven Matchups Goliath Games The biggest Zoe stomp I've ever done in 14 years of playing PekinWoof RIOT SHOULD NOT HAVE BUFFED THIS CHAMPION... (ONE SHOT EVERYONE NOW) TC Zwag I had no idea Infinity Edge on Garen would be this hilarious (And strong) PekinWoof2