(2022) MCB 182 Lecture 0 - Review of Genes and Genomes Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks (2022) MCB 182 Lecture 1 - DNA Sequencing Gerald Quon (2022) MCB 182 Lecture 2 - Functional genomics Gerald Quon EPIGENETICS & CHROMATIN STATES - An introduction to histone modifications & gene transcription roles Genomics Guru 9. Chromatin Remodeling and Splicing MIT OpenCourseWare MPG Primer: Analysis of Rare Variants (2019) Broad Institute Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart Pierce College District WA The Human Genome at 10: An Overview - Eric Lander National Human Genome Research Institute Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business (2022) MCB 182 Lecture 5 - Epigenomes Gerald Quon 1. Introduction to Computational and Systems Biology MIT OpenCourseWare Presentation - Intro to Genome Analysis (Christina Austin-Tse) ClinGen Resource (2022) MCB 182 Lecture 6 - Transcriptomics Gerald Quon Next Generation Sequencing 1: Overview - Eric Chow (UCSF) iBiology Techniques Molecular Biology #1 2020 OLLI UCSC Gene Expression and Regulation Amoeba Sisters How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio Principles by Ray Dalio (2022) MCB 182 Lecture 9 - Human genetics Gerald Quon 17. Genomes and DNA Sequencing MIT OpenCourseWare Next Generation Sequencing 2: Illumina NGS Sample Preparation - Eric Chow (UCSF) iBiology Techniques Introduction to Genomics Garvan Institute of Medical Research