How Chords Function in Music Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Master Songs with the Circle of Fifths Mike George House of the Rising Sun - music theory Mike George I Didn't Know Where CHORDS Came From Until I Knew THIS Ricky Comiskey Chord Function - Song Examples Mike George Using Modes to Write Songs Mike George Key Change using the Circle of Fifths Mike George Music Theory Masterclass 2: Chord Progressions and Harmony Rick Beato Guitar Strum Patterns Mike George An Easy Music Theory Guitar Cheat Code You Won’t Forget Sean Daniel Music Theory in 16 Minutes Guy Michelmore This Stupid TRICK Helped Me Play In Every Key On Guitar Ricky Comiskey Secondary Dominant chords Michael Keithson How Cadences Work (music theory) Mike George Music Theory Everyone SHOULD KNOW | Chords, Progressions and Keys Rick Beato Music Theory ~ Review Video (AP and Undergraduate) Lennon Ashton The Art of 4 Chord Songs Mike George An Hour of Ear Training Joe Luegers Music Academy The Andalusian Cadence (guitar theory) Mike George 7 super common chord progressions and why they work David Bennett Piano How to use music theory to actually write music! Scott Paul Johnson