Andy Summers 1987 interview Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Andy Summers Guitar Lesson D'Addario and Co. Andy Summers on Letterman October 20, 1983 Don Giller Andy Summers -The Police Highme Andy Summers, 'Equinox' lonegroover Fender Custom Shop | Interview with Andy Summers | Fender Fender Jools Holland interviews Sting (The Police) Jither Andy Summers The Police: Rig Rundown! Exclusive at his London House Guitar Nation TV Jerry Donahue - Equinox 1987 MrBuzzzAldrin L.A. SOUND DESIGN ANDY SUMMERS INSPIRED PEDALBOARD L.A. SOUND DESIGN Andy Summers Jams with Stewart Copeland in Anaheim. Andy Summers Official Jools Holland interviews Andy Summers (The Police) Jither Andy Summers: How The Police wrote "Message in a Bottle" Rick Beato 2 The Police - Tips & Tone Tricks w/ Giggity Voodoo Lab How The Police's RECORD-BREAKING Tour DESTROYED The Band Time Pod Andy Summers Documentary - Guitar Heroes of the 80s The Guitar Show Eastwood AS Mad Cat | Andy Summers Tribute Guitar R.J. Ronquillo Andy Summers Interview (The Late Late Show 1981) Anne A. Andy Summers Lesson (Part 2) D'Addario and Co. Andy Summers Walking on the Moon Analog Flanger / Filter Matrix Pedal by Electro-Harmonix EHX Call the Police - Searching for the Andy Summers Guitar Sound Rob Harris Guitar