Building a neural network FROM SCRATCH (no Tensorflow/Pytorch, just numpy & math) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks But what is a neural network? | Deep learning chapter 1 3Blue1Brown Watching Neural Networks Learn Emergent Garden I Built a Neural Network from Scratch Green Code The Most Important Algorithm in Machine Learning Artem Kirsanov Convolutional Neural Networks - The Math of Intelligence (Week 4) Siraj Raval MIT Introduction to Deep Learning | 6.S191 Alexander Amini Python Machine Learning Tutorial (Data Science) Programming with Mosh Transformers (how LLMs work) explained visually | DL5 3Blue1Brown The Elegant Math Behind Machine Learning Machine Learning Street Talk Derivation of control for a cartpole. Basics: stability, equations of motion, Linearization (sympy) ajegorovs How to Create a Neural Network (and Train it to Identify Doodles) Sebastian Lague Stanford CS229 I Machine Learning I Building Large Language Models (LLMs) Stanford Online Introduction to Machine Learning for Economists: PCA and Overfitting Dana Golden Let's build GPT: from scratch, in code, spelled out. Andrej Karpathy Neural Networks from Scratch - P.4 Batches, Layers, and Objects sentdex Hot Dog or Not Hot Dog – Convolutional Neural Network Course for Beginners Using vector embeddings for tasks letter2vec example | Intro to Data Science Mihai Nica Lectures Neural Network From Scratch In Python Dataquest