Prof. Robert Weiner -- A Perfect Storm: What Made the Holocaust Possible, Part 1 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Prof. Robert Weiner -- A Perfect Storm: What Made the Holocaust Possible, Part 2 Lafayette College Prof. Robert Weiner: The Origins of World War II Lafayette College William G. Bowen: "More to Hope Than to Fear: The Future of the Liberal Arts College" Lafayette College Why World War II Matters - Victor Davis Hanson Hillsdale College Timothy Snyder "Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin" Feb 24 2013 Bass School at UT Dallas Kursk: The Epic Armored Engagement (2013) The National WWII Museum Stephen Kotkin: Sphere of Influence III - The Chip on the Shoulder IWMVienna World War II - Part 1 (WWI) The Austin School What Made the Nazi Military Work? (WW2HRT_32-07) World War II History Round Table Prof. Robert Weiner: The Nature & Impact of WWI Lafayette College Dr. Peter Hayes: "Why? Explaining the Holocaust" Bass School at UT Dallas Stephen Kotkin: Sphere of Influence I - The Gift of Geopolitics: How Worlds are Made, and Unmade IWMVienna Hitler and the Decisions for the Final Solution: Christopher Browning WheelerCentre The Aztecs: Part 1 The Austin School Timothy Snyder How Could the Holocaust Have Happened Mon Feb 25th 2013 Bass School at UT Dallas "Fighting a Lost War: The German Army in 1943" by Dr. Robert Citino The USAHEC Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 - Christopher Clark Gresham College "Death of the Wehrmacht: The German Campaigns of 1942" by Dr. Robert Citino The USAHEC Why Hitler Lost the War: German Strategic Mistakes in WWII U.S. Army War College The Holocaust in Poland: Controversies and Explanations Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies