Message from Dr. Edward Witten - The 2014 Kyoto Prize Laureate Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Newton Medal winner (2010): Edward Witten Institute of Physics Elliott H. Lieb “My Journey Through Physics and Mathematics” Kyoto Prize HLF Laureate Portraits: Edward Witten Heidelberg Laureate Forum Conversation: Salam, Sciama, Witten and Budinich Int'l Centre for Theoretical Physics Kyoto Prize Laureate Introduction: William Forsythe Kyoto Prize Instantons and the Large N=4 Algebra by Edward Witten ICTP High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Kyoto Prize Laureate Introduction: Ryuzo Yanagimachi Kyoto Prize Message from Dr. Robert Samuel Langer - The 2014 Kyoto Prize Laureate Kyoto Prize Dr. Edward Witten - The 2014 Kyoto Prize Commemorative Lecture in Basic Sciences Kyoto Prize Kyoto Prize Laureate Introduction: Elliott H. Lieb Kyoto Prize The Universe Speaks in Numbers: Robbert Dijkgraaf and Edward Witten in Conversation Institute for Advanced Study Edward Witten - How is Mathematics Truth and Beauty? Closer To Truth Edward Witten - How Do Scientific Breakthroughs Happen? Closer To Truth Seiberg-Witten Theory, Part 1 - Edward Witten Institute for Advanced Study Dirac Conversation: Edward Witten Int'l Centre for Theoretical Physics Edward Witten - Why the ‘Unreasonable Effectiveness’ of Mathematics Closer To Truth Edward Witten Clay Mathematics Institute Edward Witten - What are Breakthroughs in Science? Closer To Truth The genius of Edward Witten | Cumrun Vafa and Lex Fridman Lex Clips Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business