Current Rank 1 Agurin still asks me to Jungle Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks NattyNatt, TheBausffs and Nemesis on the same team..... NattyNatt Dunkmaster Darius Space Jam Montage - League of legends Canadian Guy Eh Nemesis reacts to my Rengar NattyNatt HOW IT FEELS TO PLAY AGAINST DOUBLE MAGES.. | Biofrost Biofrost How did riot think this was ok? NattyNatt Penghijauan Pertukangan Kayu, Masa Depan Industri Perkayuan, PEFC, IKEA, Agenda Kelestarian & Islam. Jaguh Bumi Tryharding to carry in Challenger NattyNatt 600CS at 30 MINUTES? *UNBEATABLE NEW STRATEGY* Midbeast How I Climbed Korea with Double Jungle (It's easier than you think) Tilterella Getting Rank 1 is not that easy with Rengar... NattyNatt MY PROMOTION SERIES TO MASTER! Thebausffs Splitpushing with Warwick is still OP H0rnlime NattyNatt and Humzh go on call mid game..... NattyNatt ScrubNoob visits EU and reacts to my Mundo ft. Elite500 NattyNatt How I Beat 90% of Masters and Below Mid Laners as Pyke Davemon LOS RATONES JUST PLAYED T1 AND IT WAS CINEMA Rival THE WORST CHAMPION TO PLAY BEHIND AGAINST Sanchovies Rank 1 Shen Returns After Injury... *1v5 PENTAKILL* xPetu Showing YOU how to carry in low elo with BRUISER RENGAR (educational) Pusi Puu Trying to troll Spear Shot but he can troll harder NattyNatt