Was soll HoTT? [Intro to HoTT, No. 0] Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Three for One: Intro [Intro to HoTT, No. 1, Part 0] jacobneu David Corfield: "Philosophical perspectives on category theory" Topos Institute Naïve Type Theory by Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham, UK) FOMUS 2016 Category Theory for Neuroscience (pure math to combat scientific stagnation) Astonishing Hypothesis story of math crisis, math foundation, proof theory, and homotopy type theory Xah Lee How I became seduced by univalent foundations Fields Institute ∞-Category Theory for Undergraduates Emily Riehl 01 Course Introduction HoTT Lectures The Hardest Problem in Type Theory - Computerphile Computerphile Why There's 'No' Quintic Formula (proof without Galois theory) not all wrong A Taste of Type Theory • Bartosz Milewski • YOW! 2019 GOTO Conferences What A General Diagonal Argument Looks Like (Category Theory) Thricery Category Theory: Introduction to Category Theory 1 Advanced Math by Professor Roman Three for One: Logic Interpretation [Intro to HoTT, No. 1, Part 3] jacobneu 3 01 A Functional Programmer's Guide to Homotopy Type Theory ICFP Video [Intro to HoTT - OLD] Martin-Löf Type Theory: Speaking the Language jacobneu Computer Science ∩ Mathematics (Type Theory) - Computerphile Computerphile Mechanics, or Magic?: STLC and Propositional Logic [Intro to HoTT, No. 6, Part 0] jacobneu Intro to Category Theory Warwick Mathematics Exchange Computer Science and Homotopy Theory - Vladimir Voevodsky Institute for Advanced Study