World Championship Blacksmiths' Competition 2011 Tong Making Class Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Five Eighths inch Bolt Jaw Tongs World Championship Blacksmiths Forging a pair of box jaw tongs (farrier style) from rebar. (2020) Joey van der Steeg Swiss/French Hind - World Championship Blacksmiths Craig Trnka, CJF Chad Chance World Championship Blacksmith Competition Top Ten Shoeing Chad Chance Forging Alternative Style Blacksmith Tong with Pipe Handles Glen GS Tongs Making an awl Torbjörn Åhman Blacksmithing - Hand Forging a pair of blacksmiths tongs / Flatbit Tongs WorkingWithIron NathOo Studios World Championship Blacksmiths- Craig Trnka, CJF Fullered Toe French Hind Chad Chance Making Japanese Steel Knives Since 1796! EDO Period Blacksmith Japanese Food Craftsman Blacksmithing - how to make basic tongs as simply as possible. Glen GS Tongs Farriers Tong by Robin Muth Blacksmiths Without Borders Millions of People Don't Know This Genius DIY Tool | Homemade DIY Tools Alva Welding World Championship Blacksmiths Craig Trnka, CJF - William Russell Hind Chad Chance Draft Hind - Craig Trnka - World Championship Blacksmiths Chad Chance Blacksmithing - Forging a fire basket or brazier Torbjörn Åhman Blacksmithing - Flat or Open-Jaw Tongs, with forge welded reins. CBA Level IIB (Tool-making) Mark Aspery An Unusual (Easier?) Way To Make Blacksmith Tongs Glen GS Tongs 3 ways to make blacksmith tongs Bertram - Craft and Wilderness Blacksmithing - Making a pair of scissors Torbjörn Åhman Forging An Axe From A Pipe Wrench Jake's Custom Knives