Philosophy of Mind 2 - Logical Behaviourism Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Philosophy of Mind 3 - The Identity Theory Kane B The Behaviorist Theory of Mind Jeffrey Kaplan How to Speak MIT OpenCourseWare Introduction to Philosophy of Mind A Little Bit of Philosophy Philosophy of Mind 1 - Substance Dualism Kane B Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business Perception: direct realism vs representative realism Kane B 1. Introduction to Human Behavioral Biology Stanford What is meaning? - Verificationism Kane B Where Does Your Mind Reside?: Crash Course Philosophy #22 CrashCourse Richard Feynman - The World from another point of view mrtp Philosophy of Emotion 2 - Cognitive Theories Kane B How One Line in the Oldest Math Text Hinted at Hidden Universes Veritasium Philosophy of Mind 6.1 - The Extended Mind Kane B What Creates Consciousness? World Science Festival Functionalism and multiple realizability Kane B Philosophy of Mind - Animal Minds 1 Kane B Is consciousness an illusion? 5 experts explain Big Think Spinoza: A Complete Guide to Life Then & Now What staying up all night does to your brain - Anna Rothschild TED-Ed