CE 413 Lecture 02: Tributary Area & Gravity Loads (2019.01.16) Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks CE 413 Lecture 03: Gravity Loads [cont'd] (2019.01.18) Gregory Michaelson CE 413 Lecture 02: Tributary Area (2017.01.11) Gregory Michaelson CE 312 Lecture 40: Tributary Area & Load Takedowns (2023.11.29) Gregory Michaelson CE 413 Lecture 02: Tributary Area (2018.01.10) Gregory Michaelson 1 4 Live Load Reduction and Tributary Area STATICS THE EASY WAY CE 413 Lecture 01: Course Overview & Design Philosophies (2019.01.14) Gregory Michaelson Tributary Area and load calcuations John Tingerthal Load Tracing Structures I Sarah Johnson Understanding GD&T The Efficient Engineer 02 Dead and Live Load (Supplementary Problem) Gabriel Gamana THM1A2 LOADS ON STRUCTURES GRAVITY LOADS siR EdGAr CRuz Tributary Area Introduction and Examples - Structural Analysis structurefree Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams - Transfer Loads - Bending Moment - Design - Reinforcement The Efficient Civil Engineer (by Dr. S. El-Gamal) FE Structural Design Review Session 2022 Mark Mattson Gravity Load Systems, Tributary Area, and Influence Area - Intro to Structural Analysis Structures with Prof. H CE 413 Lecture 03: Gravity Loads (2017.01.13) Gregory Michaelson CE 414 Lecture 39a: Discretely-Braced Beam Design (2020.04.20) Gregory Michaelson Gravity Loads and Tributary Area for Building Design Tyler Ley How Structural load & load paths work Structural Engineer Calcs Calculation of Approximate Loads On Column| Load distribution cwill structures