10個一窩的超大牛肝菌,撿起來真過癮!太解壓了#food #田園生活 #農場 #户外 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Giant mushrooms continue to grow. Mushrooms Autumn 2024. The best Boletus mushrooms in Europe TMT Harvesting MOC NHI mushrooms to preserve over winter and cook Anh Bushcraft 今天運氣爆棚了,發現一窩超大虎掌菌,最後的牛肝菌實在裝不下了#food #田園生活 #鄉村生活 #户外 川农小韩 冬天的山里也有好東西,你們知道回春草有什麽作用嗎#川農小韓 #food #田園生活 #户外 川农小韩 Matsutake - The King of Mushrooms Born in Yunnan and Known to the World 滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge Harvesting Giant Bamboo Shoots / Preservation Process - Lý Thị Ca Lý Thị Ca อลังการความใหญ่!!" เห็ดมันปูยักษ์" @แม่ฮ่องสอน1/7/67 ฮัก..บ้านนา 樹上人參刺龍苞,冒雨也要上山採摘,滿滿一籃子太滿足!#food #田園生活 #美食 #鄉村生活 #户外 川农小韩 清朝滅亡時,他將38個兒女送出國,臨終告誡:不許為中國效力!一女兒臭名遠揚!#清朝#晚清#奇聞#歷史#考古#古墓#古代#文物#古今奇聞 古今奇聞 The favorite wild mushroom of Yunnan people——Chicken Mushroom 滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge 今年的遇上了紅菌大窩子, 撿到手軟,簡直太爽了 川农小韩 ПОСТАВИЛ МАШИНУ и НАЧАЛОСЬ! Это ШОК ШОКОВЫЙ! ОПЯТА и БЕЛЫЕ ЛИСИЧКИ и ЧЁРНЫЕ ЛИСИЧКИ! Грибы 2024 Армен Альбертян 【此生必吃】今年竹午好多 吃看看海中和牛的生魚片 在家做生魚片 Making sashimi at home. Prunes—The Most Romantic and Refreshing Purple Fruit of Autumn【滇西小哥】 滇西小哥 Dianxi Xiaoge Today, I harvested a new species of coral fungus 川农小韩 Niu Niu Ganhai Seafood 1121 Collection 01 牛牛赶海海鲜 今天遇到超大刺籠包,擘起來太解壓了!滿滿收穫一大筐 川农小韩 滿山的蕨菜掰起來太過癮,沒想到還能撿到平菇,運氣爆棚#food #田園生活 #美食 #户外 #鄉村生活 川农小韩 Mega Giant Mushrooms have taken over the forest. There have been no such mushrooms for 100 years Country Life and Food When it rained, the fir fungus grew rapidly, Xiao Zeng went to pick it up under heavy rain, 侗家老罗