#218 Dual Switch Detection using Diodes and an Arduino 😲 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks #214 Battery-powered 🔋 Arduino-controlled nRF24L01+ transceiver project (part 1) Ralph S Bacon #225 How I designed my Heater controller - Warning! ☠️ Mains voltage! Ralph S Bacon #209 Arduino Timer Interrupts - Overflow & Comparator. Easy Peasy. Ralph S Bacon #254 Web-enabled ESP32 Pond 🐠 Pump Controller - on my 📲 phone Ralph S Bacon #BB1 Transistors - from an Arduino Perspective. Bacon Bytes Beginners' Series. Ralph S Bacon #226 ROTARY ENCODER with no switch bounce 🤓 - you MUST use this Ralph S Bacon #231 Easy Arduino project🎄for XMAS Tunes🎶! Annoy your entire family!🎁 Ralph S Bacon #221 Arduino nRF24L01+ Simple Trigger Wireless ⚡ Project (Update) with EasyEDA Ralph S Bacon #233 ESP32/Arduino IR🔴Fan Control - RESOLVED! 👍🎄❄️ Ralph S Bacon How Resistor Work - Unravel the Mysteries of How Resistors Work! The Engineering Mindset #BB10 Namespaces & Macros for Arduino (and other) microcontrollers Ralph S Bacon Stepper Motors and Arduino - The Ultimate Guide How To Mechatronics #BB2 Capacitors - from an Arduino Perspective Ralph S Bacon Using Servo Motors with Arduino DroneBot Workshop #255 Cheap PWM speed controller for my pond - but is it any good? 🧑🎄 Ralph S Bacon Arduino Tutorial 6: Build an LED Binary Counter Paul McWhorter Linear DC Power Supplies - Designing & Building Custom DC Power Supplies DroneBot Workshop #BB9 Organising your code🧹for easier debugging and maintenance✅ Ralph S Bacon Driving DC Motors with Microcontrollers DroneBot Workshop