2015 Yale Symposium - David Healy, MD, FRCPsych Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business Emerson, Nietzsche, and the Romantic World; Franke Lectures in the Humanities Yale University David Healy - Time to abandon evidence based medicine? Cardiff University Psychology David Healy: Bad Medicine TVO Today How to Speak MIT OpenCourseWare The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World Yale University David Healy – Polluting Our Internal Environments: The Perils of Polypharmacy Mad in America David Healy - Hearts and Minds: Psychotropic Drugs and Violence Cardiff University Psychology Optimizing Oxidation in the Care of Chronically Ill Patients Riordan Clinic Making medicines safer for all of us | David Healy | TEDxAberystwyth TEDx Talks History of Psychiatry - Asylums to Community Care Arts and Humanities in Psychiatry A Spirit of Trust: Magnanimity and Agency in Hegel’s Phenomenology Yale University Everything You Need To Know About PSSD | Interview with David Healy Dr. Josef Iris Recognition by Prof. John Daugman SAIConference Is Anything Worth Believing In? John Lennox at Yale University The Veritas Forum