Powers, Volume 2, part 2, GCS and "Min/Maxing" Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks What is a Tiddlywiki? And how can it help me play GURPS? Chris Normand Powers, Volume 2, part 1, The math, and how it's not that hard Chris Normand Powers, Volume 1, Why you don't actually "build" powers Chris Normand GURPS: Characters. Are they really that complex to create? Chris Normand Commodore Drive Speed Challenge - Part 2 CMD HD CommodoreSam DAX Filter Context Basics [Full Course] Pragmatic Works GM Gameplay Hints #1, things you might consider before starting to play Chris Normand GURPS Combat Example (Basic) Nolinquisitor GURPS: NPCs. If making one takes more than a minute, there is a better way. Chris Normand Create a character in GURPS (Guidelines) Chris Normand A walk-though of how to use GCS. Chris Normand GURPS: Magic, which do I choose? Chris Normand GURPS: Combat! How one second can change your (character's) life! Chris Normand GURPS: Adventures. Where can I get one? Chris Normand With GURPS, you can play in any world that you want... and it isn't hard. Chris Normand Create a character in GURPS (Low Fantasy Example) Chris Normand Your GURPS Guide... a roadmap of the Learning GURPS series Chris Normand Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques Stanford Graduate School of Business