I used a Monorepo for 12 months - here’s my opinion Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks Monorepos - How the Pros Scale Huge Software Projects // Turborepo vs Nx Fireship tRPC, gRPC, GraphQL or REST: when to use what? Software Developer Diaries What is a monorepo? | Getting started with nx Coding Garden Deep Dive into REST API Design and Implementation Best Practices Software Developer Diaries What Is A Monorepo And Why You Should Care - Monorepo vs. Polyrepo DevOps Toolkit Git Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Git in 1 Hour Programming with Mosh Setup a monorepo with PNPM workspaces and add Nx for speed Nx - Smart Monorepos - Fast CI How to structure a JS/TS monorepo (From Zero to Turbo - Part 1) Anthony Shew Why use a monorepo? Vercel Microservices are Technical Debt NeetCodeIO Are your JWTs really safe? Watch this or regret forever Dilesh Tanna Nx Quickstart - How to Scale a JavaScript Project Fireship How do large teams scale their Frontend applications? Software Developer Diaries Optimize your monorepo experience - GitHub Universe 2020 GitHub Ingenious Construction Workers That Are at Another Level UNSORTED GitHub Actions Tutorial - Basic Concepts and CI/CD Pipeline with Docker TechWorld with Nana Monorepo – How to do frontend faster, better and safer - Kari Meling Johannessen - NDC Oslo 2023 NDC Conferences 3. Apache Kafka Fundamentals | Apache Kafka Fundamentals Confluent Microservices explained - the What, Why and How? TechWorld with Nana Monorepos: What You Need To Know | Rohan Prasad Rohan Prasad