Taking the 737 to the MAX! Nick Means at LeadDev London 2022 Share: Download MP3 Similar Tracks How to crash an airplane – Nickolas Means | The Lead Developer UK 2016 LeadDev The race to Mach 2.0 at scale | Nickolas Means | #LeadDevAustin LeadDev The Magnitude 9.1 Meltdown at Fukushima | Nickolas Means | Monktoberfest 2023 RedMonk Tech Events The Search for MH370 is Back ON! What’s changed?! Mentour Now! Taking the 737 to the MAX! - Nickolas Means, SYM | Craft Conference 2022 CraftHub Events How Airplane Wings REALLY Generate Lift Math and Science RailsConf 2017: Warning: May Be Habit Forming by Nickolas Means Confreaks RubyConf 2022: The Magnitude 9.1 Meltdown at Fukushima by Nickolas Means Ruby Central BETRAYED by their Own AIRPLANE? The Strange Case of Alitalia flight 404. Mentour Pilot The building built on stilts - Nickolas Means | The Lead Developer New York 2017 LeadDev Small Steps, Giant Leaps: Engineering Lessons from Apollo - Dylan Beattie, Kevlin Henney NDC Conferences RailsConf 2016 - Day 1 Closing Keynote: Skunk Works by Nickolas Means Confreaks WHAT was the REAL Reason Boeing KILLED the 757?? Mentour Now! How Boeing Lost Its Way Bloomberg Originals The Original Skunk Works – Nickolas Means | The Lead Developer UK 2017 LeadDev Make the Right Thing the Easy Thing: Designing Processes Teams Will Actually Follow LeadDev 37C3 - Breaking "DRM" in Polish trains media.ccc.de Who Destroyed Three Mile Island? - Nickolas Means | The Lead Developer Austin 2018 LeadDev William LeMessurier-The Fifty-Nine-Story Crisis: A Lesson in Professional Behavior National Academy of Engineering Keynote: Ice, Confusion, and the 38,000ft Crash by Nickolas Means Ruby Central